Tuesday, July 29, 2014

God is Good!

In just 5 days I will be flying to Africa! This whole process has been such a whirlwind and I cannot believe it is finally here. I want to take the time to thank all of you for your support and prayers! I almost reached my goal in only three weeks. I was informed today that there was a conformation letter sent out to those who sent in a donation. On the letter it says, "The funds will be used to support the Fisher family..."  I do want you all to know that all donations sent in are being processed and sent to my account. You have all been a huge blessing to me through this process and I am truly grateful!!
As for my departure, I fly out of Chicago on Sunday August 3rd. I am not sure the exact amount of travel time, but I do know for sure it will take at least a day. I am traveling with 6 others from Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church. They are experienced travelers to Uganda, which has helped decrease some of my travel anxiety. We would appreciate your prayers as we have a long day of catching planes throughout the extent of travel.
I am so excited to see God's plans for me as I start this next chapter in my life! I found a quote on pinterest earlier this week that I think fits very well with how I am feeling at this moment, so I will leave you with these words:

"My mission belongs to the Lord. With all my heart I give my energy and my time to the Master, because I love Him. Therefore, I'm going to look at every day not as mine, but as His. And I will treat each minute of His time with respect and focus and the dedication that it deserves." - Elder M Russell Ballard

Grace & Peace

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