Friday, September 19, 2014

Best Classroom Ever!

It's quiz time everyone. True or False? I have the best classroom ever.
Just hung our handy curtains to block out sun and other distractions

Our comfortable wheel barrel chair
Sitting mat and ladder-turned-easle 

For the other teachers, you know I can't really put that question as a quiz because it is an opinion question. In that case I'll grade you on participation, if you answered the question you pass! In my opinion, I think I have the best classroom ever! I have to admit I was a little nervous at first. Every classroom I've ever been in has had things all over the walls. How was I supposed to decorate a classroom when I have no walls to hang things on?! I was lost.
After Michelle and I had sporadically discussed the classroom, we finally had a free day to put it together. The kids started by sweeping off the platform, and then within a matter of minutes we had a classroom! :)
This week, we finally had our first couple days of school. We picked up Chris at the airport on Sunday night, and we stayed the night in Entebbe. The next day we did not get home till late, so Tuesday morning I woke up and spent all day with my head in the curriculum that Chris brought back with him. I was thoroughly confused, but through prayer and encouragement from my dad I made it through :) Wednesday we started school and it was good! After we finished our work for the day, I had the opportunity to video chat with the kid's online teachers/coaches. This helped me out a lot! They helped clarify exactly what the kids had to have done online and what was to be done offline. All of Chloe's school work in done online, and about 30% of TJ and Kidist's work is done online. All of their schooling is through Icademy Global. Right now I am teaching TJ and Kidist math, english language arts, science, social studies, writing, and health. They also do spanish and keyboarding, which is all online. Some of the subjects that I am teaching them also have a couple parts online, but mostly I am teaching them out of books. Thanks to the help from the other teachers, Thursday and Friday were smooth sailing. We have run into a little bit of a technology issue with Chloe and her school website, but hopefully that will be fixed soon and we can get moving through her lessons!
I am so happy to finally be teaching. I was almost beginning to forget why I came here in the first place, so this was a great reminder of where my heart lies. Today after we finished school for the week, I sat in our classroom and made lesson plans for the next week. It's great being a teacher! And I have to admit, I think lesson planning is 10x better when you're sitting outside with the African breeze blowing past you. :) 

1 comment:

  1. I just loved reading that you are finally teaching! And what a beautiful setting!!! We continue to pray for you and your little students!!!
    -Cheryl De Jong
