Sunday, June 7, 2015

Home is Where the Heart is

Many people have been asking me, "How is it being home?" That is a hard question for me to ask. Yes, this is where I've spent 24 years of my life, but the 10 months I spent in Uganda has created in me a 2nd home. I left a part of my heart in Uganda. It's there among the red dirt roads, it's blowing through the warm tropical breeze, and it's there among the sounds of children laughing. I miss my home, but I am so happy to be back with my family and friends.
Throughout my time in Uganda I have learned so many things, things I'm sure I don't even realize yet. It has changed me in ways I can't explain, and maybe it will take me years to really understand it all.

The travel home was long, but the Lord was on my side. I sat by friendly people and I actually slept quite a bit. Airplane chairs are not a piece of furniture I would ever want to purchase for my own home. I think it's fit to say that they could be one of the most uncomfortable places to sleep, but when you're tired, it doesn't always matter. After my 8.5 hr flight to Amsterdam, 5 hr layover, and my 9 hr flight to Chicago, I was SO excited when I saw the Great Lakes out of my window. Finally something I recognized, and man it never looked so beautiful to me before. I was sad when we had to fly over Grand Rapids, I wish I could have just jumped out of the plane right there, but nearly 20 minutes later we landed in Chicago. The city was huge! I looked at the skyscrapers in awe. I hadn't seen something so large and shiny in so long. I anxiously waited as we slowly walked off the plane. I couldn't wait to get off that plane and into my parents arms. It had been too long since I've been able to hug them. Seeing them for the first time was great. They were there, standing behind the rope with big smiles. It almost felt like a dream.
My first week home is slightly a blur. Seeing everything for the first time in 10 months felt a little strange. Almost like I was looking at everything through photographs. It brought back nice memories, but it didn't feel like I was actually there. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it also didn't feel great. The place I have called home for a while was now so far away - though I will admit once I laid in my bed for the first time, all those feelings went away. I was laying on a cloud of joy and it was amazing!
The Lord sent me a blessing when I first got back to Michigan. It just so happened that 3 of my dear friends I met in Uganda, were going to be visiting Michigan during my first week back. Charlie was visiting from Australia, Bekah from Tennessee, and Amber from Washington. I was so excited! Along with some of my fellow Michiganders (that I met in Uganda) we all had the opportunity to spend some much needed time together. I even had the joy of having Amber stay with me for a couple of days. Amber was my housemate in Uganda for the last half of my stay. We served for about 4 months together, and it was great. It was such a blessing to have Amber stay with me for those days. She was with me through all of my first steps. We had fun reminiscing about the time we had, and it helped make my transition that much easier. It's amazing how the Lord works these things out!
My time in Uganda was life changing. I am so happy the Lord brought me there. The people I met there have made lasting impressions on my heart. I pray that one day He will take me back there so I can see my friends/family again. I am blessed to have been able to take this giant leap of faith. The Lord has truly rocked my world, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
I want to take some time to thank each and everyone of you who are reading this. Your support has made all of this possible. Without your thoughts and prayers, I would have been lost. Your financial support has gone out to help so many people in Uganda. Together we have helped families and those living on the streets eat, we have helped children go to school, and friends get a start on new opportunities. I am left without words to express my gratitude towards all of you, all I can say is thank you. Thank you for loving the people of Uganda with me. It has been a true adventure, one I never dreamed possible. Thanks to the Lord, and through all of you, it came true.
If you would like to hear more of my adventures I would love to tell you about it, please ask! You can call me, stop me on the street, or email me at Thank you so much!

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you
The Lord lift up His countenance on you
and give you peace

Grace & Peace,


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