Sunday, August 31, 2014

To Spite or to Love?

Discouraged. I think this sums up how we have been feeling the past couple of days. School starts this coming monday and the playground we are building is still not finished. This is the same playground we were hoping to finish 3 weeks ago. We have spent many many hours digging, sanding, cleaning, painting, sweating, pumping water from bore holes, and carrying jerry cans. Not to mention the hours we have spent trying to clean our own selves and clothes free of sweat, paint, and dirt. We realize all of these things come with the job of putting together a playground. What we did not realize was the disappointment, lies, and loss of money that would come with our welder. We have spent countless hours talking over plans with the welder, giving him more and more money when we thought he needed more. Little did we know, he had more than enough for cost of supplies and labor plus. We also had driven out to the village on a couple different occasions expecting him to come and finish work, and then he would call with an excuse. So as you can probably guess, discouraged was not the only thing we were feeling this week. I also struggled with anger. I have never been a good one to hold out anger. I usually bottle it up and when I can physically feel my blood pressure start to rise I crack. From what I've learned about the body in school, this probably isn't the healthiest way to deal with anger. [Sidenote: I'm sorry this all sounds depressing, but keep reading, this is where it becomes exciting] If you didn't know this already, God works in mysterious ways. I just so happened to wake up early the other morning, so I took a shower, listened to some music, and then proceeded to crack open my Bible. As I was reading the book of Matthew I came across Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. I started reading the beatitudes, about being the salt and the light, about God's law, and then I came across His teaching about anger and loving our enemies. Through this whole ordeal with our welder I kept hearing my mom and dad's voice in my head saying 'Kill him with kindness, Kendall. Just kill him with kindness'. This is a lot easier said than done, but from what I have learned in the past, it works. In a total human way of thinking, killing your enemy with kindness might be the best form of spite. It throws your enemy so far of course, I imagine they feel like Wile E. Coyote getting hit with his very own contraption he laid to catch the Road Runner. BUT, that is a super spiteful way to think, and that totally goes against what I'm about to say next. As I was saying about reading Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says in Matthew 5:38-42, "You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. If a soldier demands you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. Give to those who ask, and don't turn away from those who want to borrow." I then kept reading. I came across Matthew 5:46-47, "If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." These words hit me, strong. I realized that the anger and resentment I had towards George was so wrong. If Jesus who is dying on the cross can call out to God and ask for forgiveness for those who were beating him, why can't I forgive this man I barely know who has not physically harmed me nor said anything but nice words to my face. Yes, he has stolen money and time from us, but who am I to judge another man's sin? Money can be replaced.
George will not be finishing the welding job he has been paid to finish. This is disappointing news, but it will all be okay! As for the work that still has to be done, we are so blessed to have a couple welders from East Africa Playgrounds come with us today to finish the playground. We will be painting the see-saws, the netball posts, the futbol goals, and the A-frame for the tire wall. Then, as soon as the welders are done the finishing touches on the watch tower, we will sand our hearts out and put primer on that. If all goes well, we should be [fingers crossed] finished with everything by Tuesday!

Here are a couple pictures of us working this past week:
Patrick and I touching up the Elephant 
Janine, and Michelle touching up the Caterpillar 
Courtney mixing paint
Simon and George putting up the swings

This week may not go as we wish/want, but I'm sure it will be a good one. We have put this playground in God's hands, so when He wants it to be finished, it will, and it will be good!
School, for the Fishers and I, is supposed to start this week, but with the playground as priority we are going to be delayed just a little. I think this will all work out for the best since we still have to wait for Chris to come home from America with the curriculum. Once he comes back I will be locking myself in my room all weekend with the curriculum, planning things for the next couple of months. I am so excited to get my hands on the materials! I don't mean to brag about my profession, but I'm pretty sure teachers are some special people. There are some teachers who don't get their jobs until a couple days before school starts. That only gives them a couple days to familiarize themselves with all the curriculum, the school building, and setting up the classroom. Then not to mention the first day of school when 20+ students walk into your classroom and you need to individually figure out each student's likes and abilities. Teachers are awesome! :)
Thank you to all my prayer warriors out there! All of this is made possible thanks to your continued prayers! I have just a couple prayer requests for this week. Please pray for energy and continued positivity as we finish up with the playground and get ready for school. Also, for safe travels as we trek these wild back roads of Uganda the next couple of days. Thanks again!

Grace & Peace 

Love, Kendall

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