Monday, October 13, 2014


I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like Thine, can peace afford.
I need thee, oh, I need thee. Every hour I need Thee.
I need thee, oh, I need Thee. I need Thee every hour.

As of lately, this is the hymn I sing to myself continuously. I could not make it without the Lord by my side. These past couple days have been the hardest days yet, but not to worry I'm back on my feet. I'd like to think I've done pretty well since I've been here. It's been over 2 months now, and I just had my first break down. Chris had a great analogy for it. It's like the game of Jenga. Ever since I have been here, a piece would be pulled out one by one. Once you become so broken, it's hard to balance any longer. I came crashing down to the floor. Now I'm slowing building back up. I would love to tell you all that my life is perfect, but it wouldn't be normal if we didn't have hard days here and there. Living in this world is not easy, for anyone. Trying to be Christ-like, in this corrupt world, is a challenge in and of itself - but you all know that. Whether you're in America or Africa, there are challenges we face every day. That is why we need the most gracious Lord to walk by our sides everywhere we go. Especially when you wake up to a rat scratching at your bedroom door. Yup, that happened to me. The other night I went to get ready to sleep and I found poop in my bed. I thought it was lizard poop, because I have a couple of those living in my room. It's crazy to think, but it's kind of a normal sight to see geckos moving on my walls when I turn the lights on. Anyway, I cleaned my bed and then went to sleep. The next morning I woke up to something scratching at my bedroom door. Still in a daze, I turned the light on on my phone and shined it towards the door. I didn't see anything, and the sound stopped. I laid back down, and a few seconds later I heard the sound again. I quickly flashed the light this time and saw something run behind my chair. I got out of bed and tried finding it, but I had no luck - I will admit, I wasn't really searching that hard. Later that day I walked into my room and saw the fury rodent run past my feet. I immediately shut the door and took a couple seconds to process what had just happened. Then I announced to the house that there was indeed a rat in my room. The girls immediately ran to see it , but I had seen enough. I walked outside to get James. Thank the good Lord for James, our night gaurd. He locked himself in my room and caught the nasty thing. It was James, with a flip flop, in my bedroom. The problem was solved! 

Mr. Ratigan 

Noah & I gawking at the rat.

Besides putting barricades in my bedroom to stop rodents from coming in, there are some changes coming ahead for me. As some of you already know, the Fishers are headed back to America come December [God & Adoption process willing]. As for me, I want to stay. I think God has something else planned for me here, but I'm not sure what. This is where I ask all of you prayer warriors to help me. I would love for God to drop a flashing neon sign down from the sky, pointing to where I'm supposed to go next. I have a feeling that probably won't be the case, but miracles do happen every day. -- I'd like to take the time to quote one of my favorite songs I used to sing around the house. From the motion picture The Prince of Egypt, sung by the infamous Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, "There can be miracles when you believe. Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill. Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe. Somehow you will, when you believe."

This song was on repeat, just ask my mom. I actually remember trying to refrain myself from singing at the top of my lungs when we went to the movie theatre to watch this movie. So with that being said, sorry for my inner musical geek tangent, back to the important stuff. -- I would love to have a decision made by the middle of November. This means I only have about a month to find organizations to work with, find a place to stay, and settle myself. As of now, it seems like it is going to take a miracle to make this all happen, that is why I need your prayers. I am currently looking into a couple different organizations, such as; Amani Baby Cottage, Sole Hope, Ekisa, helping in the village of Niagobya (where the playground was built), and possibly even one of the street child projects. There are so many opportunities here in Jinja, and other parts of Uganda. The big concern for me at the moment is finding a place to live. There are a couple different options available for me, but I need to find somewhere that fits my budget and a place that I feel safe in. I'll make sure to keep you all posted through this decision making process. Although my human mind can't help but stress and worry, I have no doubt that God will lead me in the right direction. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible" - Matthew 17:20. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support! Although I just asked you all to pray for me and my decision making, I ask that you all keep the Fishers in your prayers too. They have a huge change coming too. They are going through the process of leaving all they've known for the past 2 years to jump back into the crazy American life. Pray that the transition is easy on all of the family. Also, the adoption process for Noah and Josie is still in progress. Pray for smooth sailing through the rest of the process. And please pray for Chris and Michelle, that they can have peace in the decisions they make for their family.

Thank you! Love you and miss you all! 

Grace & Peace, 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a strong and beautiful person. I just said a prayer for direction at my desk! Peace of Christ be with you always.
