Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Oh Uganda!

Hello my friends! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but my life has been all over the place, per usual. This past Wednesday I packed up all my belongings and moved into Sole Hope Guest house with my friends. They have an extra bunk in their room until next the 24th of November. After that I need to find a new place to call my home. I am not sure where that will be yet, but I am praying and praying. I know God has a plan for me somewhere, I'm just not sure where that is yet.
This past Saturday I had the opportunity to head to Nelson Mandela Stadium for a soccer match. We left Jinja around 10:30 and headed straight for Kampala. We packed about 16 of us in a 14 passenger matatu (taxi van). Surprisingly we managed quite well. The personal space here in Uganda is slim to none, compared to America, so I have grown accustom to being close to others. Once we hit Kampala, we stopped for some lunch at a local food restaurant - rice and chicken all around! They were obviously prepared for a crowd of people because it was the fastest I have ever received food in Uganda. After we ate, Charlie and I walked outside to find some water, but we got distracted by the street vendors. There were all different hats, blow horns, flags, stickers, and face painting all for sale. Now normally, in America, I avoid these people at all costs. The prices are WAY over priced and it's just not worth it. Here on the other hand it was the opposite. I bought myself a nice ugandan colored cowboy hat and was on my way.

Charlie, Brittany, and I walking to the stadium.
We were all decked out and ready for the game. We walked over to the stadium - and after 6 people stuck their paint brushes in my face trying to get me to paint my face - we finally made it in. There weren't too many people in the stadium when we got there, but it soon filled up. As the cement seats filled up, we had a great time people watching and hanging out until the game started. Walking into the match John told me to not get too excited, because Ghana was expected to win. Knowing nothing about soccer I took his word for it. BUT low and behold, Uganda took the win! It was an exciting game at a final score of 1-0. The crowd was unreal. We all left talking louder than usual because our ears were most likely damaged from all the screaming, music, and horns.

Charlie, John, and I

Bekah, Laura, and Johnson

Part of the group
The crew :)

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