Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My First Day

Hello from Uganda! I arrived in Uganda early this morning around 2am. We are praising God for the smooth travels! Also, we are so thankful all 14 pieces of our luggage arrived with us! We went to bed fairly quick after and woke up around 8:30. Today was a pretty lowkey day. The Holtrops and Dykstra's are staying in the house with us for 2 nights so it's a packed house! We all had a nice breakfast together then Chloe (The Fisher's oldest daughter) and I took the babies, Josie and Noah, for a walk around the neighborhood. It is a lot busier that I imagined! All the houses are in compounds, and there are a few hotels on the street as well. After our walk I unpacked all 5 of my bags (so much stuff!). My room is so cute!
This is a little entrance room to my bedroom. This green door is an exit out onto the compound. 
This is my bedroom! It's perfect. I can't wait to go into town and buy some art to make it a little homier :)
And here is my bathroom! Complete with all the essentials; toilet, shower, sink, & mirror! And don't forget my little gecko friend that was on my window screen:)

After we had a quick lunch, we then headed to the market in Jinja. It was unbelievable!
They sell everything there; Produce, meat, clothes, shoes, tools, and a couple electronics. All the people selling we're staring at us. I also heard the term 'mzungu' a lot! This is the Ugandan word for 'white person'. It can also be used for people of other color, if they seem to be foreign to the area. It is funny because they will simply say 'hi mzungu'. If somebody in America said 'hi white person' I would probably be a little taken back and confused, but looks like it will be a natural occurrence here! Going to the market, I will have to learn how to barter well because this will be my store for the next while. Many people sell the same product so I want to make sure I find the best deal! Hopefully I can get the conversion between the American dollar and Ugandan shillings down fast because it is quite confusing to me at the moment. Overall my first day was great! I cannot wait to explore more of the land here in Jinja and other parts of Uganda! Thank you for all of your prayers back home, you are all a true blessing! 

Grace & Peace

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